Offline For A While
Due to some real life stuff, I've put my WoW and blogging on hold.
Hope to see you all in a few months.
Exploring World of Warcraft one pull at a time
Due to some real life stuff, I've put my WoW and blogging on hold.
Hope to see you all in a few months.
Posted by
5:06 PM
I finally have my first level 60 character. I actually hit it by doing the second bombing quest where you have to kill the peons and cannons. Fun quick easy exp.
My boar is doing a great job of keeping me alive but I've still had several deaths to feign resists and to adds/respawns. Outland definitely is keeping me on my toes and making me learn new ways to play.
Posted by
5:33 AM
I hit 59 fairly quickly last night and replaced two more pieces of armor. I really need to post some of the pre screenshots so you can see how much my dps, attack power, armor and stamina has risen.
Thanks to Armory Musings for some very slick code that will show you item details when you mouse over the link from Alla.
New Helmet -
[Legionnaire's Studded Helm]
Here is the breastplate I'm now using -
[Bonechewer Berserker's Vest]
Axe -
[Rage Reaver]
Crossbow -
[Ironstar Repeater]
Posted by
5:30 AM
I'm hoping to get on an play some tonight. I know I promised some first impressions of Outland in my last post but not having internet at home during the week has prevented me from doing that like I should.
Here is the quick and dirty version:
I got excited riding down to the portal.
I ran into reaver and thought for sure he was going to smash me. I somehow managed to run away although the pet distracted him for about 3 seconds.
I've replaced a piece of gear with each quest I've completed. I've gained a ton of dps even though my crossbows isn't maxed. My stamina has shot through the roof compared to before.
I'm really looking forward to replacing some more gear.
Posted by
8:03 AM
As I'm typing this I'm flying down to blasted lands to enter the outland.
I'll try and take a few pictures and share my first impressions soon.
Posted by
7:34 PM
Kelnix is half way to 58. The rested exp really helped I'm sure but I blasted through several quests that gave almost a bub per completion.
If you haven't check out Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide. It really is great for quick leveling. I level a bit slower because I do some of the quests that sound like fun but only the ones that keep me in the same location. His guide helps me by keeping me organized in one general area.
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: Leveling
so far away. I managed to hit 57 last weekend but didn't get to play any WoW except for some on the 4th while at home.
Hopefully the library internet connection will allow me to get on and play some so the updates should be better and more frequent.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Labels: Leveling
Kelnix is about to hit 57.
Now, due to some RL issues, I won't be playing as much for awhile.
I'm hoping to hit 57 in a few days.
Also, 57 is my highest level character yet in WoW. I thought that my troll hunter was 56 but he is only 54. I'm really looking forward to hitting the Outland at 58, even if it is rough going and everyone has already done it.
Posted by
6:50 PM
Labels: Leveling
This first one is Cat taking out her drop frustrations on a goblin.
This next one is Kelnix and Ribby waiting for a boat.
Posted by
6:15 AM
Labels: screenshots
I'm posting this for Julie. Hopefully she can start posting them under her name soon so you know who is who.
Last night we were able to log on for a bit and work on a quest in Strangethorn, Venture Mining Company. We were trying to get the Singing Blue Crystals from the goblins. I realize at level 41 that I will not get a drop with every creature I kill and I am fine with that. Last night we were getting drops about 1 in 8 or 1 in 10. If you are familiar with this quest or area even, you already know that the goblins blend in so well with the forest that you cannot see them until you are on them or they are already attacking you. Add a 2 year old and a puppy into the mix and it can get both frustrating and exciting at this point. But we did manage to get 20 crystals, 10 for Dave and 10 for Cat before we quit for the night.
Maybe tonight we will be able to start the Skull Splinter Tusks quest. Something tells me that it will take a couple attempts to get 36 tusks, 18 a piece.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Labels: gameplay, talent builds
Kelnix managed to grab two pieces of equipment on Tuesday night that should start helping immediately.
First up a new bow.
This sucker dropped off of the Deadwood furlbogs needed for Timbermaw Hold reputation. Needless to say I was very happy. It is a 6 dps gain over my old gun without counting the extra couple of agility. I do have to level my bows up a bit but that never takes very long.
Next up, I did the quest Winterfall Activity.
I have had my eye on this since the Armory listed it as the highest agility chest piece for my level range. That quest was orange to me but my faithful boar was able to tank up to two of the nasty furlbogs easily. I had previously been using a leather chest piece so I ended up gaining 150 armor and 5 agility. Very nice.
All in all a very good night of exp and equipment upgrades.
Last night we did three quests with Dave and Cat in a little over an hour. We slaughtered quite a few pirates trying to get enough snuff so that we could both turn them in. With three quests completed we made it about 1/2 way to 42. Having rested exp from not playing in years helps though.
Posted by
11:15 AM
Labels: Equipment
As you may have guessed this is another World of Warcraft blog. I was tired of putting all my WoW chatter on The Four Way Stop so I've decided instead to place all those entries here. I'm sure those of you coming from there will probably appreciate not having to read this stuff unless it interests you.
Now for a little bit about me for those of you how haven't been reading The Four Way Stop.
I've been playing WoW off and on since late beta. I'm your classic casual gamer. I've never raided in WoW and have only done a few instances at any level.
My wife Julie, or Jules as I call her, also plays, even though our playing time is pretty limited. On a good night we get about an hour and thirty minutes in before Taylor requires our full attention. As he gets older I'm hoping we can play after he is in bed.
My highest character is a level 56 Troll Hunter on Destromath but I've found that I just don't enjoy playing him as much as my Dwarf Hunter. Kelnix is currently 54 but should hit 55 in the next couple of days. I wish Blackhand was a PvP server but I can do some BGs for my PvP action.
I also have a level 40 Priest on Blackhand. We call him Dave. His partner is Cat. We just started playing them again a few days ago. Their gear is outdated but we are able to do the quests we need to do well enough.
I do suffer a bit from Altism, but have managed to try and focus on just a few characters lately. I have the desire to see some Outland content, even if it is of the non-instance/non-raid variety. I've been using Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide with Kelnix to try and get the most exp for my time. Considering that a little over a month ago I was level 38 and my limited playing time, I feel like the levels have flown.
What can you expect on this blog? Mostly descriptions of our adventures in WoW. You can probably expect some of the normal class discussion, ranting about the few PUGs we do, and the typical blog entries you would find on a WoW blog. I don't imagine I'll be the next BRK or Mark of the Wild, I just want a place to post about WoW.
Posted by
8:19 AM